Icetool Lid Box Portion Snus Can Review
First Look: The Sleek New Aluminum Lid Box for Portion Snus by Icetool
Once again, our friends over at Icetool have heeded our call and come out with yet another awesome snus product!
I present to you the Icetool Lid Box for Portion Snus Can. Like the newly released Icetool Slim Box for Portion Snus Can, the Icetool Lid Box Series is made from a single piece of aluminum for maximum strength and durability.
The difference between the Icetool Lid Box and Slim Box series is a catch lid; the Icetool Slim Box series doesn’t have one but is also slightly thinner than the Icetool Lid Box series.
First off, The fit and finish of this can is impeccable! From top to bottom it is just sleek and stylish. This is something that I have grown to expect from Icetool over the years, and once again, I was not disappointed.
Both the top and the bottom of the can have a nice rounded, yet angular bevel making it take on almost a “UFO-Like” appearance.
The catch lid sits perfectly flush against the lid bolstering what somebody might even call a rather arrogant claim: “Icetool Perfect Snus Experience“. Well, lets put that to the test, shall we?
Lets go further into the detail of the lid first. The catch tray not only sits perfectly flush to the top half of the can, it also has a fully-sealing extruded nitride gasket.
Once the catch cap is removed, One can only stare in amazement at the HUGE amount of space that is underneath. Not only is there a huge amount of space, the finish inside is finished just as beautifully as the rest of the can. A nice, perfectly rounded bottom of the catch area, as well as a lip around the top which allows for that flush finish I had mentioned previously. The lid also bolsters two symmetrical finger grooves to allow for somebody with even the largest of fingers to access the catch tray with ease.
The main body of the can continues to show off the new extruded gasket, as well as an interior large enough to rival that of an SUV! On both sides of the gasket (in 180 degree increments) there are two tiny gaps in the gasket lip which will allow 100% sealing of the cap, but will also allow a small amount of air movement to prevent the vacuum effect when opening or closing. There are no threads on this can, it is a simple twist and separate process.
The gasket, however, gives the lid an extremely sturdy feel when opening. This can will NEVER pop open accidentally.
[Editors Note: Xobeloot is not quoting the manufacturer when he says ‘never’ in all capital letters. He is probably right, but if you somehow “accidentally” make the can pop open, you’re not getting a dime from Icetool! Don’t even think about it]
So by this point, you are probably wondering about the function of the can. I could talk all day about how sexy it is, but it is meant to serve a purpose!
That being said, let’s start off with some mini portions. Here you can see a comparison in size to a mini snus can. I would say that this can falls somewhere in between that of a plastic mini and a plastic regular can. I was able to fit the entire can of mini’s inside and fluff the portions up without any issue.
“HEY! Xobeloot! I don’t use mini’s!”
That’s OK. How about an entire can of full-sized portions. Once again, the lid box can was able to swallow these portions up and close without any problem.
Now, if you are like me, sometimes I like to stash some portions of a different flavor up under the catch lid. The gasket on this can allows you to do that without worrying about those portions going stale. I was able to pack a whopping 10 portions of Thunder mini in there without having a problem closing the tray!
So go ahead, add some variety to your day by utilizing this as a two-flavor can.
“Hey Xobe, Sometimes I work double shifts, but I like using loose snus at night”
Fret not, my fine workhorse! What if you were to leave your home before that grueling 14 hour work day with a catch tray full of portions and roughly 2/3 (yes, two thirds) of a can of loose in the main body! Don’t forget your Icetool!
Icetool has truly outdone themselves with this new snus box, so I return to my original statement about the claim on the can; This truly IS the Perfect Snus Experience
A big Thank You to Aki for giving me the opportunity to review this fine snus accessory product. The new Icetool Lid Box for Portion Snus is available in black, light grey, and red. They have joined all the other fine Icetool products at the SnusCentral Snus Store.
Until next time,
Xobeloot Lives!
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