Camel Robust SNUS Review

Camel Robust SNUS Review

Camel Robust SNUS – Bigger does not equal Better SNUS

The Camel Robust and Winterchill SNUS arrived in Mid-Missouri today. I bought a tin of the Camel Robust SNUS and when the sales clerk handed it to me I thought…. WOW! I read about this stuff here on SnusCentral, Snubie and Dr Snus!

The can was cold and the productCamel Robust SNUS can is more of an improvement than the Robust SNUS inside was fresh and it available in my small town of 2,000 folks!  I walked out in the 98 degree (F) temperature with the cold tin in may paws, I thought that just maybe General Snus (SMNA) missed the boat and real snus is here in small town America. Got in the Jeep turned the A/C and open the tin of Camel Robust. It looked like a real white portion of snus. I started my little ritual of evenly distribute the snus in the white pouch and folding it length wise and tucked it in my upper lip. Then……

WTF! I’m putting this crap in the hummingbird feeder!  Hell, it’s only usable if you rinse off all the sugary sweetness with a liter of water. Is Camel ashamed of their tobacco and feel the need to hide the taste of their tobacco behind the sugary content?  Have they learned nothing?  Did the RJRT research department grow up on Sugar Pops and Frosted Flakes???

OK, I feel better, my rant is over. I’m just so disappointed…. again.

Don Elliott
Reporting at

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Camel Robust and Winterchill SNUS – Is it Real Snus Yet?

Close but no Snus:  Camel Robust SNUS Review

Previous New Camel SNUS Robust and Winterchill
Next This Week's FDA Tobacco Propaganda - 8/6/10

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