Would Anyone Like Some FREE SNUS?

Would Anyone Like Some FREE SNUS?

Help Test the NEW SnusCentral.org – You Could Score some Free Snus!

The NEW SnusCentral.org is almost ready to launch.  We need as much help as we can get testing the site before before this Friday, DEC 13 2013, to make sure we didn’t miss anything.

Seems like a great way give away some snus!

Just read and follow the steps below by Friday (GMT-6):

  1. Go to the SnusCentral.org Test Site.  You will see a red New & Improved ribbon on the top left hand side of our banner.
  2. Click on things.  Try out the menu bar, content links, anything with a hyperlink.
  3. What to report:  Error messages, things that don’t work when you click them, things that visually look wrong (too big, chopped off, etc.)
  4. Where to check:  Everywhere.  Some areas require you to be logged in.  If you are not already a Member, join us…or try to.  If you can’t, that’s a problem to report.
    1. Where to Login: top menu bar; far right; click LOGIN.  Also, in the Forum on the top left.
    2. Where to Register:  top menu bar; hover over Member Area, click Join SnusCentral Now! (it’s free and we don’t ask a lot of questions).
  • Forum:  log in and make a post.  Add a graphic or hyperlink to your post if you can.  Upload an avatar.  Edit your profile.  Anything else you can think of!
  • Main Menu>Member Reviews>Swedish (or American) Snus.  Log in and submit a review on any snus you like or don’t like.  If you don’t see the snus you want to review, Click on Add a New Snus at the top of the page and go for it.
    1. Visitors have Read-Only access to the actual reviews.  Currently, visitors clicking on a snus will be sent to an error page.  We’re aware of that issue and working on it.
  • Be creative and click away!  Any questions, ask them here or email us at info@snuscentral.org
  • Email us anything bad you discover at info@snuscentral.org.

After the NEW SnusCentral.org has launched, we will draw random names and send out free snus!  Everyone can participate but of course you must be of legal age and be legally able to accept tobacco products in your country to get snus.  If you live in the EU, we can send you some excellent Swedish chocolate and maybe a few General Waterproof Snus Cans….

Just writing and publishing this article, we’ve already discovered a few issues needing correction.  Please help us find the rest and deliver you the best SnusCentral.org there has ever been!

Good hunting and Good luck!

SnusCENTRAL Member Services

Founding Member of SnusCentral.org





* prize fulfillment courtesy of the SnusCentral.com Snus Store

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