(UPDATE) Kardus Cincho 2012 Released by Swedish Match

(UPDATE) Kardus Cincho 2012 Released by Swedish Match

UPDATED 1 November 2012: Kardus Cincho is now available at SnusCentral.com!   If you end up at a blank page when you click on this Kardus Cincho 2012 product page link, then we are sold out!

Kardus snus by Swedish Match is the most exclusive snus on the market. Production for this limited edition is entirely dependent upon the availability of sufficiently high quality tobaccos – if there aren’t enough of the absolute best raw ingredients, then no Kardus snus will be produced for that year.

The tobaccos in Kardus are hand cut, rather than ground, lending this premium product its special aroma, flavor and exquisite character.

The snus is then packaged in exclusive wood boxes that are designed and hand-made by master carpenter Ulf Mellström.

Swedish Match started producing Kardus in 2005. It is only sold at selected tobacco stores in Sweden, Norway, and elite eSnus Stores like SnusCentral.com. Each box contains 100 grams of snus.  For 2012, we are happy to announce Kardus Cincho.

Kardus Cincho 2012 has Arrived!

Kardus Cincho snus for 2012This year’s Kardus has a fragrance of sun and sherry.

The tobacco in this year’s edition of Kardus is from the small village of Cincho in western Spain. As always, it has been carefully selected and handled meticulously to satisfy the demands of the most discerning snus users in Sweden. Only a few will have the opportunity to sample this exclusive edition, since only 600 packages will be released for sale.

This year’s edition is a snus with a distinct luster and an oily, black color. The flavor features clear elements of licorice, dried fruit and rose hip. The sherry used to flavor Kardus Cincho is a Cuco Oloroso from Jerez, which has an elegant and nuanced nutty fragrance and flavor with elements of dried figs, sultanas, light syrup and licorice.

The attention put into manufacturing Kardus is unmatched by any other snus, as are the end results. The plants are harvested whole and only the leaves are used in the manufacturing process. By cutting instead of grinding the leaves, a completely different surface is created, producing flavors and nuances that can never be achieved in ground snus.

The tobacco is cultivated on flat land at the foot of the massive Sierra de Gredos mountain range in sandy yet mineral-rich soil, where the plants have been dried in open boxes, protected from the sun and any rain. A gift from the sun, water and farmers of Cincho to the true connoisseur.


600 packages of Kardus will be released and available for sale in some ten stores in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Lund, Sundsvall, Uppsala and Haparanda during the week commencing October 22. One package will cost SEK 600.  

[NOTE FROM MOE UNZ:  SnusCentral.com has been one of few premier Swedish Snus eStores to have had the honor of offering Kardus to our customers since 2008 when our humble snus eStore opened its virtual doors.  Our allocation is very small as the 10 brick and mortar stores in Sweden and Norway are very greedy.  I will be beating them with my broom in an effort to acquire a larger allocation.

UPDATE: Kardus Cincho is now available at SnusCentral.com!   If you go to a blank page when you click on this Kardus Cincho 2012 product page link, then we are sold out!

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