SnusCENTRAL Snus News Letter for August 2011

The SnusCENTRAL Snus News Letter for August 2011.

In this issue:  Lots of new snus being released by Swedish Match and V2 Tobacco, Joakim Blom Leaves Swedish Match, new snus videos by Julls of SnusCENTRAL YouTube and more!

Don’t subscribe to the SnusCENTRAL Newsletter yet?  Rectify that mistake by signing up now!  Don’t worry:  we won’t spam you and it’s free.  We’re supposed to publish them monthly, but in reality we only send newsletters out once or twice every six to eight weeks.


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SnusCENTRAL - YOUR Source for Everything Snus

August Snus Sale: Final Days

The Snus eStore’s first month-long Skruf snus sale ends August 31st 2011. Thanks to our friends at Skruf for participating in our “We Survived the Copenhagen Flood” Sale.

A special thanks also to Swedish Match, V2 Tobacco, and others for grabbing the buckets and helping us bail out our server room with some really great July and August Monthly and Weekly Specials too!

During this July/August sale, over 25 different products were marked down from our already incredibly low prices.

Joakim Blom Leaves SMAB

Long-time SnusCENTRAL and Swedish Match fans have come to know and love Joakim Blom and Markus Ersmark of SMAB Stockholm.

Joakim’s final day at Swedish Match was this past Monday. An avid mountain climber, Joakim has decided to move on to new challenges and climb to new heights professionally.

We wish Joakim all the best and have dispatched SnusCIA Agents to make sure he stays in touch.

Markus was said to be devastated by Joakim’s departure…that or he is just using it as an excuse to take more vacation days to go hunting.

Both Joakim and Markus were held captive at the SnusCENTRAL Bunker in 2009.

Lots of New Snus Releases!

This is the time of year Swedish and Scandinavian Snus Manufacturers release a number of brand new snuses just for you!

From Swedish Match:

Buy General Green Harvest Portion SnusGeneral Green Harvest Portion Snus: This is the first pesticide and chemical-free organic snus made by certified tobacco farmers ever.  Free-range Snus is now a reality! Flaunt your Eco-self with General Green Harvest.

Lab Series 06 Extra Strong Portion SnusLab Series 06 Extra Strong Portion Snus: The latest addition to the Lab Series brand, 06 is an Extra Strong portion snus with approximately 20mg/portion of nicotine. On paper, this makes 06 the second strongest snus on the planet.

In reality, no one makes nicotine more bio-available like Swedish Match. We’re going to test it head to head against Oden’s Extreme next month (for nic hit; not flavor of course).

SnusCENTRAL Snus News Letter for August 2011Lab Series 05 Strong White Portion Snus: Differing slightly in taste from 06, the 05 Strong is a White Portion snus is rated at 12.5mg/gr nicotine. Like 06, 05 should be available next week.

The Lab Series was designed and tailored to Norwegian snus lovers. It is only available OTC in Norway and world-wide (where legal) through select Internet Snus eStores.

Below Zero Strong Mint Portion SnusBelow Zero Strong Mint Portion: A new brand offering and a new Strong Mint snus from Swedish Match. The flavor profile resembles Nick and Johnny Crushed Ice more than General Mint but has some unique twists all it’s own.

Below Zero is being released as a Special Edition of 30,000 cans. Whether it will be permanently added to the SM brand portfolio will be determined at a later date. Make sure you buy at least one can for your snus can collection!

Grovsnus Kardus Very Limited Edition with Bonus can of Grovsnus LooseSwedish Match has already released two Special Editions in August: Grovsnus Kardus and Goteborg’s Rape’ Summer Edition White Portion. Goteborgs Rape' White Portion Snus Summer Edition

From V2 Tobacco:

Thunder Chrom Snus 2012The long awaited, almost mythical Thunder Chrom (Thunder Chrome in english) snus series should arrive in Week 35/36.

Thunder Chrom Edition Snus Surprise Release by Larry Waters gives the behind the scenes drama of the Thunder Chrom Editions and the details of the new flavors.

Thunder Chrom snuses are Strong Long+ portions. They contain 12mg/gr nicotine, .75gr snus/portion, and come in the very comfortable and discreet Long+ portion pouches.

The five Chrom Edition Snus offerings are:

  • Thunder Chrome Long+ Coffee Supreme Strong Portion Snus
  • Thunder Chrome Long+ Chocmint Strong Portion Snus
  • Thunder Chrome Long+ Blue Strong Portion Snus
  • Thunder Chrome Long+ OT-5 Strong Portion Snus
  • Thunder Chrome Long+ Coola Strong Portion Snus

Thunder Original Long Cut Loose SnusThunder Original Long Cut Loose Snus: For all you long cut loose snus fans, Thunder Original will finally be available in a long cut version around Week 36.

For the latest updates on these and other upcoming new snuses, check our New Snus Coming Soon and Pre-Order Page.

Trending Snus News

SnusCENTRAL on YouTube

Julls has been on location in Stockholm and Washington DC. Here are his latest video adventures:

SnusCENTRAL YouTube: Broadcast Your Snus!

Big Changes Coming to

The Snus eStore is preparing to launch it’s long-awaited new store-front.

As quirky and lovable as the SnusCentral Snus Store website has been these last few years, software has evolved substantially since we opened.

The new will be even more user-friendly and powerful.

One thing that is not changing are our prices: the Lowest on the Internet ! (unless some competitor is screwing with our heads, and we find out about that pretty quick).

We’ll have a better estimate of when the new site will be up at the end of this month, but it will be soon.

Free Shipping Continues!

Moe Unz, befuddled Manager of has decided to continue the Shipping Discounts including Free Shipping for the month of August.

He doesn’t remember why he’s doing this, but his memory loss is your gain! The details are on our Free and Discounted Shipping Codes page.

These are the Monthly August Snus Specials* – YOUR Snus Store*

*at least until Government thugs or Anti Tobacco Extremists kick down our door and torch the place

For our US based customers, information on and the PACT Act.

Big Changes Coming to Too!

By the end of this year, the latest version of the website should be online.

Some other exciting things are happening over the next 6 months on but we can’t talk about those yet. Stay tuned!

SnusCENTRAL Founding Member

Previous Thunder Chrom Edition Snus Surprise Release
Next Swedish Match Cares

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Press Releases

50% OFF Snus Sale! Send to a friend Unsubscribe The SnusCentral Snus Shop 50% OFF Sale! – General Long Portion SnusSALE PRICE: $2.23/can; $21.26/10 can roll! – General Long Extra Strong

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Press Releases

Any of our Friends in the Media who would like Information or have Questions; please go to Contact Us on the bottom menu and select Media Requests from the Drop-down Menu.

Press Releases

Snus News, Reviews, and Snus Sales for Week 19

 A limited time 50% Off snus celebration and 3 new video snus reviews are the main topics of this week’s SnusCENTRAL Newsletter. Send to a friend Unsubscribe 50%