SnusCENTRAL News Letter – June 2010


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SnusCENTRAL - YOUR Source for Everything Snus
Tobacco Act is One Week Away!

The war against tobacco and especially REAL Swedish Snus gets ugly:  on June 22nd, the Tobacco Act goes into effect and on June 29th, The PACT Act kicks in as well. 

What this means for US Residents is no more Swiss Post/US Postal shipments as of June 22nd.  It means that Skruf brand snus will no longer be available in the United States…a few other brands as well.

It means all tobacco product branded merchandise; free or for sale, will be will be deleting all it’s Thunder Snus and Offroad Snus branded shirts, caps, mugs, mousepads and more by June 22nd 2010. 

If you want a piece of snus history, buy it now or wait until it shows up on eBay for 4 times the price!

It means that all US Federal, State, and Local tobacco taxes, excise taxes, and sales taxes must be collected when you place your order.

The bottom line for US Residents is that for the immediate future, Swedish and Scandinavian Snus will be higher priced with less brands available.  The details and discussions are available at

If you haven’t filled up your freezer and refrigerator with enough snus yet, now is the time!

The Latest News from

Snus Survival
Swedish/Scandinavian Snus can be frozen and stored for up to a year after the expiration date! Here’s the best and most inexpensive way to properly freeze snus:

Snus Survival:  How to Freeze Snus

Let’s snus like it’s 2009!

Moe UNZ; Manager of the Snus Store, is drunk and slashing prices everywhere he can!

In addition to across the board pre-PACT price cuts, we have some great offers to help with your snus hoarding! – YOUR Snus Store*

*at least until Government thugs or Anti Tobacco Extremists kick down our door and torch the place


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