SnusCENTRAL News Letter – August 2010


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SnusCENTRAL - YOUR Source for Everything Snus
The PACT Act: Dazed and Confused

The war against tobacco and especially REAL Swedish Snus hammered Americans with both  the Tobacco Act and the PACT Act this summer.

Confusion; especially for Internet snus stores with no physical presence in the United States, makes compliance challenging.

No shock the Federal government didn’t work out the details with the State governments before they hit the off-shore eStores with the phone book of new rules. 

We pay the appropriate duties and government fees up front for you by using the UPS DDP (Delivery and Duty Paid) service.

Unfortunately, it seems with tobacco taxes and especially sales taxes, none of the states have any framework or ability to give off-shore retail eStores the ability to collect and pay these taxes for the consumer.

Until this is ironed out, all good Americans should pay these taxes directly to your State as you do with other Internet purchases.

Moe Unz and the Attorneys for the in Sweden are complying with everything applicable and working with the appropriate agencies to bridge this bureaucratic swamp. Here is the current status regarding US Sales.

The Latest News from

Julls has returned from his trip to Hollywood with some great new videos!

Word is that Julls is up for 2 Oscar Nominations:  Best Short Snus Film and Makeup in a Short Snus Film.  Good luck!

SnusCENTRAL YouTube: Broadcast Your Snus!


August Snus Specials!

Moe UNZ; Manager of the Snus Store, bought some amazing deals in August just for you. 

These Specials are only good until midnight, August 31st, 2010 GMT+1! – YOUR Snus Store*

*at least until Government thugs or Anti Tobacco Extremists kick down our door and torch the place


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