SnusCENTRAL: New Columnists; New Snus; New Sites
Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist Joins as Columnist, New Swedish Snus has Been Released, and the new SnusGEAR!; the planet’s premier snus informational and social website, updated blind-folded news media members at the SnusCENTRAL Bunker this morning on the latest additions to the SnusCENTRAL Empire.
Professor Lars-Erik Rutqvist, MD; PhD, Senior Vice President of Scientific Affairs for Swedish Match and one of the world’s leading health experts on tobacco, reduced risk, and reduced harm tobacco products, is joining as a Columnist. Dr.Rutqvist’s column will concentrate on the latest scientific news and developments concerning tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and Swedish snus. He will also correct some of the the misinformation and misunderstandings concerning Swedish snus propagated by unscientific or agenda motivated groups.
Dr. Rutqvist’s readers will have a chance to respond and to ask questions in the “Comments Section” following each article. SnusCENTRAL Columnist and Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States, Larry Waters, stated that having Dr. Rudqvist writing on fits perfectly with the SnusCENTRAL mission: To create a central location where anyone and everyone from long-time snus users to those just switching from cigarettes to snus, to the snus curious; can find all the information they could need or want easily and in a friendly environment.
Dr. Rutqvist’s column will be appearing on shortly.
Another new columnist, unnamed at this point do to ongoing negotiations, will be joining within the next 3-4 weeks. Further information is unavailable as the person who revealed the information concerning the second columnist was not authorized to do so and was transferred to SnusCENTRAL Antarctica prior to the Press Conference.
In other SnusCENTRAL new developments, the SnusCentral Snus Store at announced the release and immediate availability of the eagerly awaited Lab Series 01 and 02 snus by Swedish Match. Lab Series is a true evolution in snus design and technology. Larry Waters has already published articles on the 0102 concept and the first 0102 snus taste review.
Additionally, America’s Favorite Snus Store also announced the arrival and availability of the new Mocca Macchiato snus by BAT’s Fiedler and Lundgren. This follows the release just days ago of Fellinni Mint Mini Portion Snus by V2 Tobacco. Fellinni is a snus brand aimed at women, although many men have already purchased the mint-menthol tasting snus….”for their wives”. Many of these men are unmarried.
The final bombshell dropped was that SnusGEAR, home of snus, tobacco, and related clothing, accessories, mousepads, greeting cards and more has expanded to six -E-stores internationally to better serve customers around the world. is a new site for SnusCENTRAL and the product line is expanding rapidly. SnusGEAR has an exclusive agreement with V2 Tobacco to produce Thunder Snus, Phantom Snus, OffRoad Snus and Fellinni Snus clothing and other products. They have been approached by other snus manufacturers and the branded -product line is expected to expand.
Mr. UNZ for the Public Affairs Office
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Larry Waters
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