Kardus Superior Blend 2010 Snus

Kardus Superior Blend 2010 Snus

A Swedish Match official in Stockholm today announced that starting Week 44 (the 1st of November), Swedish Match will release Kardus Superior Blend 2010.

Kardus Superior Blend is Swedish Match most exclusive snus. This vintage product first reaches the more discerning snus consumers in November every year. Production entirely depends on the availabilityThe Finest Snus in the World - Kardus Superior Blend of sufficiently high quality tobaccos—and if there aren’t enough of the absolute best raw ingredients, then no Kardus is produced for the year.

Swedish Match has released Kardus once every year since 2005. Every vintage has a special character and is sold in a limited edition of 500. The snus is delivered in specially designed cherry wood boxes that are designed and hand-made by master carpenter Ulf Mellström. The tobaccos in Kardus are also cut, rather than ground, giving this premium product its special aroma, flavor and exquisite character.

More detailed information on this years Kardus will be coming soon.  If you are unfamiliar with Kardus, here is the story on Kardus Superior Blend 2009.  Keep an eye on the SnusCentral.com Pre-Order page to reserve your Kardus 2010 (at the best possible price, of course!).

Kardus 2009 was an unbelievable experience.  Like you, we can’t wait to try Kardus 2010.

Follow-up Article:  Kardus 2010 – the best Kardus Yet? Oct 2, 2010

From the SnusCENTRAL.org Staff

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