Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus – Return of the One Gram Portion

Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus – Return of the One Gram Portion

Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus - Return of the One Gram Portion

New Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus

The Return of the One Gram Portion!


Buy Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus on sale at SnusCentral.comThe new Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus just released by Swedish Match is very special in three different ways:


1.  This marks the return of a high nicotine Grovsnus to the US Market. When FDA banned black portions for evil reasons, strong snuses Grovsnus Svart and General Onyx could no longer be sold to Americans.

2.  Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus returns the snus world to One Gram Portions! Over the last three years, “original portion” snus from all the snus makers has contained less and less snus; from 0.92 grams down to 0.75 grams!

3.  We have put Grovsnus Strong Portion ON SALE! For a limited time, Grovsnus Strong Portion Snus is only $3.92 per can; $37.17 per 10 can roll!

Don’t forget to check ALL our current snus specials at our Snus on Sale page! If you see your favorite, buy it quickly!

As always, all Snus Sale Specials are subject to change whenever Store Manager Moe Unz feels like it and is sober enough to use a keyboard!

Looking for the Latest Snus Releases?  Check our New Snus page!

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