US Marines getting Snus
Marine military exchanges within the United States are now carrying some extra firepower: Thunder Extra Strong Snus…..
Marines Snus On!
This according to Rick Charles, Director of Global Military Sales for tobacco distributor Philips and King. Discussions are underway to add Jakobsson’s Swedish snus to the Marine Exchange catalog at a future date.
The entire US military has for some time been working to reduce cigarette use among it’s members to reduce tobacco-related health issues and improve operational efficiency. The addition of Tobacco Harm Reduction products like Swedish snus and vapor products at the exchanges is one way to accomplish this in this author’s opinion.
Charles is also working with the other branches of the US Military to expand these types of offerings at exchanges both within the US and around the world.
The world is a very dangerous place and any advantage we can offer our men and women under arms while protecting their health is a win for everyone.
Best Regards/Bästa hälsningar/Med venlig hilsen,
Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States
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