Thread you MUST Read! Thread you MUST Read!

TobaccoToday.infoOne of the news feeds we have coming in to is from  I find the site valuable for a number of reasons.

In this case, it’s the reader comments of this story “Professor:  Tobacco Free Kids will Kill Millions“.

The blog piece is a conversation starter.  The real story is in the reader comments.  While my personal comments are brilliant and entertaining/scathing as you’ve come to expect,  those from Bill Godshall are just loaded with facts and links concerning S. 982 and tobacco regulation by FDA in general.

I encourage all rational people who understand the positive role Reduced Harm Tobacco products can play in American Society to read Bill’s comments.  Take the action he recommends too.


SnusCENTRAL Founder Larry Waters aka Mr. UNZ

Activist Snus Guru
Shining the Light of Truth from

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Next Taxation of all Internet Sales: I told you so!

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