Thunder Snus Limited Edition 2014 Lives Again!
Thunder Snus Limited Edition – the Resurrection
After selling out of stores in record breaking time, V2 Tobacco announced today that the Thunder Snus Limited Edition 2014 snuses will be returning in a different format next month….
The 2014 Thunder Extra Strong Snus collection was released on 26 May 2014. Within 9 days, the top-tier internet snus shops were completely sold out.
“I have never seen anything like this in snus history!“, exclaimed Snus Shop Manager Moe Unz. “We have never had any limited edition snus sell out anywhere near this quickly. My first thought was why did I not hide more of the Thunder Limited Edition in my personal snus chiller?“
A panicked snusing public turned to lesser snus eStores which were cleaned out a few days later.
Making the Thunder Limited Edition sell-out even more amazing, this was not a small run by limited edition snus standards. Three thousand special limited edition cans containing 30,000 cans of 5 new flavors of Thunder Extra Strong snus were produced.
To put that in perspective, when Swedish Match used to produce their annual Kardus Superior Edition product, only 600 were released each year.
Introducing Thunder Limited Edition Version 2
By 7 July 2014, V2 Tobacco of Denmark will be distributing the 5 different snuses contained in the May 2014 Limited Edition. The Uber-Director of Distribution at V2 is famous for under-promising and over-delivering.
Start checking for these flavors in the Thunder Snus section at the Snus Store towards the end of June.
– Thunder Caramel-Vanilla Extra Strong Portion Snus
– Thunder Melon Extra Strong Portion Snus
– Thunder Apple Extra Strong Portion Snus
– Thunder Lemon Extra Strong Portion Snus
– Thunder Eucalyptus Extra Strong Portion Snus
This time, there will be no Limited Edition Master Can and consumers can purchase all 5 Thunder limited edition flavors by the can or 10 can roll.
Depending on how each individual flavor sells over the first few months, some or all of them could become permanent members of the Thunder Extra Strong Snus family. You, the snus loving public, will determine the outcome by what and how much you purchase.
So my question to the lucky 2999 of you (I was lucky enough to get one, making 3000) who grabbed the first version of the Thunder Limited Edition 2014 is this: which flavor(s) would YOU like to see made permanent additions to the Thunder Snus line?
As always, Enjoy your Snus!
Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States
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