The Premium Whisky Snus Revolution
As each whisky has it’s own character based on location, ingredients, and production methods used, so each whisky-based snus will be different. Islay Whisky and the Snus have a strong peat flavor you won’t find in either General Mackmyra or Crafted Snus, for example.
Crafted Snus Whisky has found a worthy and formidable campetitor, although I believe there is certainly room for both due to the differing whiskies used.
which in December 2015 limited production run of General Mackmyra Whisky Snus.
Pictures and descriptions of the cans and reviews of the snus quickly followed to the chagrin of Swedish Match.
The Premium Whisky Snus Revolution
When General Mackmyra Whisky portion and loose snus is mass-released in April 2016, they will be the third premium whisky snus products released over the last three years.
Over the last three years, new premium snus products featuring alcohol as a flavoring ingredient have emerged and been very successful. These include Islay Whisky Portion Snus, Crafted Snus Whisky Portion and White Portion Snus, and a botique beer product; Mellgren’s IPA Loose and White Portion Snus.
Prior to these, Swedish Match released an annual super-premium limited edition Kardus Superior Blend hand-cut loose snus; each based on a different blend of tobacco and alcohol.
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