The Maxim Pool Party, General Snus, and VIP Access

The Maxim Pool Party, General Snus, and VIP Access

General Snus has its privileges....On rare occasions, it’s good to be me. The most recent example was having VIP access to the Maxim Pool Party at Revive Uptown in Dallas on June 30th. Thanks to General Snus and my being a Member of The General’s Club, I was able to walk around all the beautiful people lined up at the velvet rope auditioning to be allowed entry.

As soon as I mentioned General Snus, we were personally escorted to second private entrance. Our names were checked, blue VIP wrist bands were quickly applied, and we were off to the luxurious General Snus private cabanas.

I mention all this not to impress you with my well known celebrity status. Everything I described above happened because I was a Member of the General Snus General’s Club.

You don’t have to pay anyone off or have a bloodline going back to the Mayflower to become a General’s Club Member. Just go to, suffer through the government-imposed age verification button click, and once on the site, click on the link to join The General’s Club.

VIP status at a Maxim Pool Parts is only one of the perks for being a Member. You could have been kicking back with us, Dallas area General Snus fans….all for free. I’m including some pictures to show It was hot at this party.  The temperature just what you missed. An unauthorized video will also be uploaded to the SnusCentral Facebook Page within the next few days.

Revive Uptown is one of the hottest clubs in Dallas. The Maxim Pool Party took place on the rooftop pool and party area. The place was packed and the DJ was on fire. Free food and a very well stock bar kept me free of hypoglycemia and added a pleasant haze to the day. The only drawback was that after a few hours, I found it challenging to shoot pictures which were not blurred.

There was a General Snus tasting tent where free trial cans of General Classic Blend snus and General Nordic Mint snus were available. Thanks to the US Congress, the tasting process was more complicated than it need to be; almost comical.

What was not comical and actually quite chilling is that among the Swedish Match North America people attending was one of their lawyers. It’s a sad day in America when you can’t throw an invitation only party without having to bring your legal team to provide protection.

General Snus AmbassadorBack to the General Snus Tasting Process: I approached a small tent with the flap down. Standing outside was the first of the 2012 Snus Ambassadors I’d ever met. He wore a snazzy silver badge with ‘Snus Ambassador’ emblazoned on it. Of course the words ‘General Snus’ or even ‘Swedish Match’ were not on the badge. This would violate FDA’s draconian tobacco advertising regulations. Children would be put at risk…even though you had to be of legal age to attend!

The Snus Ambassador asked me for ID proving I was of legal age before allowing me to proceed further. I briefly considered presenting my AARP Membership Card but instead went with the customary Drivers License.

Inside the small tent was a small counter with coupons, General Snus literature, and complementary sun block. Staffing the booth were two beautiful Snus Ambassadors. I asked them what kind of public awareness of snus visitors to the tent displayed. Very little it seems but that’s why you have tasting areas: to bring knowledge General Snus to the people who need it the most.Using General Snus in the pool was allowed

We talked some more and as I was leaving, they asked me if I wanted any General Snus. I was working off a can of non-US over-the-counter General Long Extra Strong Portion but since I realized I didn’t have any of the 2.0 oblong can snus left in the Bunker, I asked for a can of each. They backed away in horror! You are only allowed one can of EITHER Classic Blend or Nordic Ice. Apologizing for my blasphemy, I opted for the General Classic Blend.

Snus-Ambassador-compressedAs she reached into a chilled floor safe, I extended my hand to receive the snus. Before I knew what was happening, my hand was indelibly stamped. Apparently, General Snus is very serious about the one can only rule. I received the can of General Classic Blend snus, took a few pictures, and exited the tasting tent so that others could enter.

Considering the process, all the Snus Ambassadors I met were friendly, personable, knew the training material on General Snus, and were good brand ambassadors. They do have their work cut out for them when it comes to educating tobacco consumers about the existance of snus, especially General Snus.

Just being at this party was worth a great day, Dallas snusers, but Swedish Match had a very special contest running. Four winners would be whisked away from Revive Uptown at the end of the party by stretch limo, taken to a private plane, and flown to Las Vegas for 24 hours of craziness. Their home base in Vegas was a 10,000 square foot suite at the Palms.

The semi-finalists were chosen from those attendees who tweeted the secret hash tag and had their tweet picked. The ranking member of the SMNA management team attending noticed I was spending a lot The DJ didn't have 'The Snus Song' by OneEyed Crewof time interviewing their lawyer. He came up behind me and suggested I go view the judging to choose the 4 contest winners. All I’ll say is that the room was very dark, objects glowed eerily from the black lights, and the judging/interview table reminded me more of the Spanish Inquisition than America’s Got Talent (I mean visually; the judges were very friendly.)

Anthony, an Official Blogger for the General Snus website, would be accompanying these lucky winners to Las Vegas. I’m sure he will have the story of that 24 hours of insanity written once he recovers. Anthony did manage a raw photo dump at before going into detox. Feel free to check out those pictures.

The lesson from all this is if you haven’t signed up at yet and especially joined The General’s Club, what the hell are you waiting for? There are more Maxim Pool Parties to come around the US and other Membership perks for being a part of the General’s Club. You can read about those on the General Snus website.

Enjoying my REAL Swedish Snus,

On the Road for

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Previous Discontinued: Thunder Coola Loose Snus and Offroad Coffee Supreme
Next Taboca White Extra Strong portion snus, That Snus Guy's first snus review on SnusCentral in almost 3 years!!

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