Swedish Snus is on the Loose in New York City: with the highest cigarette taxes in American and Mayor Bloomberg’s cigarette ban, What did you Expect from New Yorkers?
Snob appeal is overcoming the South’s “chew” and “dip” reputation and is becoming a hit with New York City residents. New Yorker’s, who also pay the highest cigarette taxes in the nation at $2.75 a pack, are also strangled with Mayor Bloomberg’s draconian ban on smoking practically anywhere in the City.
But walk into any fashionable Soho Bar or Club and you’ll see snus tins on the bar. And with no “second-hand-snus”, no spitting, nothing unpleasant for non-smokers. To quote Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”
Indeed, why can’t we all just get along? Swedish or Swedish-Style Snus is the least harmful of all tobacco products. It has virtually no carcinogens, Swedish men have the lowest rates of oral cancer in all of Europe based on studies going back 30 years.
As to non-tobacco users? Gum chewing is more noticeable than using a portion of snus. And like ANY tobacco product, it is illegal to sell, distribute, or to be used by minors. The fact that 22% of high school students break the law and use tobacco is not a good enough reason to ban it.
More high school students die from alcohol related incidents than tobacco. Correct me if I’m wrong, but even MADD isn’t calling for Prohibition to be reinstated. You don’ punish the law abiding because of the law breakers…at least you’re not supposed to.
Personal Responsibility. Personal Choice. Personal Freedom. Raising your Children to respect Society and Obey the Law.
We in America are guaranteed the right to pursue happiness. We are not guaranteed to achieve it. We are not a society of “victims”: We are Americans. And in that, we are the luckiest people on the planet.
Click read more below for the NY Observer’s article:
The Snus Guru
September 11, 2008 (may be never forget what happened 7 years ago this date; God rest the souls of those who perished; God give confort to those they left behind).
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