Swedish Match Snus Store in Stockholm Opens Today

Swedish Match Snus Store in Stockholm Opens Today

Swedish Match Svenskt Snus Store: Counting Down

Stockholm – At 11:00 AM (GMT+1), less than an hour and a half from now as I begin writing, Swedish Match AB will officially open their Snus Store/Snus Experience/Snus Museum/Cappuccino Bar and who knows what else snus at Kungsgatan 3 in Stockholm.

SM Svenskt Snus Store, Stockholm SnusCentral.orgLars Dahlgren, CEO of SMAB will be on hand to welcome guests and answer questions. If you are an American visiting Stockholm today, you may want to drop by, have your picture taken with Lars, and ask him why General Onyx and Grovsnus Svart, both black portion snuses sold in the US for years, having been absent most of 2012 for what I’m told is a black dye issue with FDA.

If that is in fact the issue, perhaps he could “encourage” the SM R&D Team in Gothenburg to prioritize a solution.

If it is a regulatory issue, perhaps someone in Legal could explain so even I could understand why two snuses which were grandfathered as they were sold pre-PACT Act/pre-Tobacco Control Act suddenly are considered new products to FDA.

I would ask him nicely though, since both General Onyx and Grovsnus Black will be available in the Stockholm store and you could stock up while visiting. The last thing you would want is to be banned from the store for acting like a soccer holligan.

For Americans who have only recently discovered the wonder which is REAL Swedish snus, General Onyx Black Portion Snus is the very top of the line product in the General Snus line. It is a real treat for General Snus fans…except you can’t order it from the US anymore.

One thing Mr. Dahlgren will be able to offer you is fresh Swedish Match snus of all kinds; not just today but every day. The Swedish Match Snus Store will receive a brand new fresh inventory of snus every morning prior to the store opening. Any snus remaining from the day before will be removed from the store and returned to the factory.

If you see any Kardus Cincho 2012 on the shelves, grab it quickly. The SnusCentral Snus Shop ran out yesterday and there is no more is available. Only 600 boxes were produced as is the tradition with Kardus. This year’s Kardus is not only very tasty, but rather high in nicotine. It’s after 3 AM in my time zone and if I didn’t have a large prilla of Kardus Cincho under my lip, I would have fallen asleep by now.

SM_Svenskt_Snus_Stockholm3-compressedMarcus Carlsson, a very important person at Swedish Match, has been working feverishly with his team to prepare the snus store for the Grand Opening….in about 45 minutes from now. I’m sure the Sunday Swedish newspapers will be full of details concerning the store I can’t even begin to imagine. I look forward to reading all about today and getting a first hand narrative from Marcus who will hopefully be relaxing on a beach somewhere by Monday.



Thanks to Marcus and the SnusCIA, you the reader will beat the public in seeing the interior of the Swedish Match Snus Store in Stockholm. These three interior photos of the store were taken about 14 hours ago and have not been released before now.

Mmmm.  Coffee.......Congratulations to everyone at Swedish Match on this exciting Grand Opening. A visit is first on my list the next time I’m in Stockholm….if Lars hasn’t permanently barred me because of my General Onyx digression.

Sorry. I’m working on an article about General Onyx so those questions were on the top of my mind. I’m also drinking heavily as I write this; a SnusCentral tradition both here in the Texas SnusCentral.org Bunker and in Lidköping at the SnusCentral.com Snus Store.

Time for a fresh prilla of Kardus Cincho and to get this article published before 11:00 AM in Stockholm…..2 minutes from now!


Enjoy your Fresh Swedish Match Snus!


Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States
Reporting for SnusCENTRAL.org

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