Swedish Match Snus Store in Gothenburg Grand Opening!
Today marks the Grand Opening of the latest Swedish Match snus store in Gothenburg. It joins the original in Stockholm and store in Strömstad as showcases of the Swedish Match snus experience.
Designer Marcus Carlsson has expanded his vision with each store. The most radical change to the Gothenburg store is that its called “Swedish Match”. The other two are named Svenskt Snus.
Compliments of Maji Dahlberg of Swedish Match, here is a brief photo journey through the new Swedish Match Snus Store.
Moe Unz of SnusCentral.com was supposed to be our reporter on the scene but was banned by Swedish Match President and CEO Lars Dahlgren. Moe disrupted the Strömstad Grand Opening when he drunkenly knocked over the expresso machine. No one was taking any chances in Gothenburg today.
Swedish Match opens new concept snus store in Gothenburg
The Swedish Match Snus Shop in Gothenburg opened at 12:00 on 3 July. Here (obviously) is the view of the entrance from the street.
Is the store dog-friendly? That’s a vital question we must learn the answer to.
Meet the incredibly attractive staff. Marcus Carlsson was not in this photo for obvious reasons….
There in one place is the entire concept of the Gothenburg Swedish Match Snus Store. Unfortunately I don’t read Swedish and can’t give you a complete translation. I can guess as some are pretty obvious, but I don’t want to do a disservice to the store.
I can say that while many of the features are also in the Svenskt Snus stores, none but Gothenburg has this inventive signage.
A central focus point in all the Svenskt Snus and Swedish Match Snus Shops is the ability to custom-blend your own snus.
Fear not, a friendly snus making expert is there to give advice so that your snus won’t smell like an old shoe.
Not pictured for security reasons, the Gothenberg snus store has a miniture version of the a portion making machine.
In the past, you could only make loose snus in the stores. Do to the rising popularity of portions and white portions in Sweden, that option is now available for all.
Accomplishing this was not as easy as you may think. When I toured the Strömstad Svenskt Snus shop last year, Marcus revealed that the portion making machine was still being designed back then.
Don’t misunderstand; Swedish Match has no difficulty making portion snus…that’s one of the main missions of their Gothenburg Snus Factory. Creating a machine on this small a scale is much more challenging.
Making fresh snus in the morning…smells like victory!
More on the snus making process
Once Marcus gets some sleep and after his fika, I’ll be interviewing him in much greater detail about not only the Gothenburg Swedish Match Snus Shop, but about other things Swedish Match.
In the meantime, enjoy this photo’s; they will be on the SnusCentral Instagram page shortly as well.
Happy Friday and Enjoy your snus! Happy Canada Day as well. If you a Canadian visiting Gothenburg, stop by the store and celebrate with some home-made Swedish Match snus!
Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States
Reporting From Sweden and the USA for SnusCENTRAL.org
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