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Larry Waters Reports!

1:AN Loose Snus – A tribute to Ettan Snus and its creator Jacob Fredrik Ljunglöf

no. 1 – Ettan Loose Snus Limited Release 2014 Ettan Snus is famous for a number of reasons.  Created in 1822 by snus factory owner Jacob Fredrik Ljunglöf, Ettan is

Larry Waters Reports!

Cigarettes, Snus; ALL Tobacco (except Cigars): Internet Purchases to be BANNED in the USA????

This article appeared on the Convenience Store/Petroleum website about a week ago. At first I was stunned: then it made obscenely perfect sense. After I regained consciousness, I went through

Larry Waters Reports!

FDA Targets Internet Tobacco Sales and Advertising

Non-Face-to-Face Sale of Tobacco Products and Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing of Tobacco Products by FDA On Monday, September 12th,  FDA informed the tobacco industry, anti-tobacco groups, and interested parties that