Skruf Releases Skruf Stark and Skruf Original White Portions Early!

Skruf Releases Skruf Stark and Skruf Original White Portions Early!

Buy Skruf Stark White at SnusCentral.comskruf_original_white_portionYou would never know it by the Skruf website which still states a February 1st, 2009 release date, but SnusCENTRAL Members received an email alert four days ago:  Skruf Stark White Portions and  Skruf Original White Portions had been released EARLY and were available for Members to buy at the the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store; the best place to buy snus! (in my humble opinion, anyway…completely unbiased, I swear).

Skruf Stark ( or Strong Portion ) has been a favorite of mine for quite some time. It, like the new White Portion, contains 14 mg. of nicotine, technically making Skruf Stark Portion the first of the Extra Strong nicotine snus’s; or as I like to call them, the Uber Snus’s.

With Strong snus’s, especially an Uber Snus with 14 mg. of nicotine, I prefer the White Portions as, especially with Skruf, the Regular Portions don’t last that long and if I’m lost in thought or banging away at my keyboard, I’ll start chain-snusing without even realizing it…until my typing starts going down-hill.

That’s always been a mystery to me about Skruf. They make an absolutely outstanding line of snus’s, but even on their own website, Skruf says “Most commonly, a snus is used for around 15-20 minutes. Some use it for 5 minutes and others for up to 2 hours, it all depends on what you prefer and feel comfortable with.”

Take out the 2 hours part and you could be talking about Camel SNUS or Marlboro snus. They are being truthful although I’ve never gone 2 hours with Skruf Stark Portion. Actually, I have never gone longer than 30 minutes with Skruf Stark Portion which, aside from OffRoad, is the shortest time a Portion Snus has lasted me.  (except of course, for General Sterk).  As to the five minutes?  With Swedish Snus NEVER unless Mrs. UNZ calls me for dinner right after I put a new portion in my mouth.

In comparison, Swedish Match’s new General Ekstra Sterk lasts me a good 45+ minutes. That being said, I still hope the Ekstra Sterk is released as a White Portion as well. With a good White Portion, I will get an hour and a half to two hours of pleasure. Thus my excitement when Skruf announced the Stark White Portion. The early release caught me off-guard as I wasn’t due for a personal re-order until probably mid-February.

But I just couldn’t wait that long for the Skruf Stark White Portion. I already ordered a roll. I also threw in a roll of the  General Ekstra Sterk  for good measure.  That should guarantee that Swedish Match will release an Ekstra Sterk White Portion early next week!  If not, I’ll start a petition.

How will the Skruf compare to the General Onyx?  I don’t know yet, but based on past experience, I think the Onyx is somewhat unique and will remain one of my favorite Strong snus’s. But will Skruf Stark White push Onyx from the #1 to #2 position? I can’t wait to find out!  Will Swedish Match respond to my near-begging and come out with a White Portion Ekstra Sterk?  THAT is something I can only hope for.  But I do love Skruf Stark regular portion, despite the chain-snusing, so I’ll live with the Ekstra Sterk as is.  It WOULD be really nice as a White Portion, though.  Hint, Hint.

The bottom line is, judging by the latest releases of Uber Snus from various manufacturers; and the one I’ve tasted which hasn’t been introduced yet that was also outstanding, there are no losers here. The big winner is the high nicotine snus lover who now has such a wonderful selection to choose from.

General Ekstra Sterk: not to be confused with General Sterk. I still and will always dislike and be angry with the original General Sterk for letting me down so hard. Despite That Snus Guy’s favorable review (which is one reason we smuggled him into the country; to counter-balance me…the other is that he lives in my closet, does my laundry, and I don’t have to pay him very much), I was expecting the taste and longevity of the Ekstra Sterk and I sure didn’t get it with the Sterk.

Sorry for the rant but I was really let down .  As I was saying, General Ekstra Sterk, Skruf Stark Portion, Grovsnus Svart, Claq Qui (to a lesser degree to me personally on the Claq Qui), and now the great anticipation over Skruf Stark White Portion and the other new Uber Snus which hasn’t been released yet but I was very impressed with….well I’m just in high nicotine and great taste Swedish Snus heaven!

We may have run out of the Skruf Original White Portion and I know we’re running low on the Skruf Stark White Portion but have no fear. The SnusCENTRAL Snus Store already has placed new orders with Skruf for both. I’m sure once February 1st rolls around and the “official” launch occurs, they will have plenty available and so will we.

Meanwhile, I rejoice with other SnusCENTRAL Members  that our Skruf White Portions are on their way!  Membership does have it’s advantages at SnusCENTRAL!  Oh no, did I just do a commercial???????   No, I looked through my old articles and I was just being enthusiastic like I always was on The Unloading Zone.

So expect a very candid review of Skruf Stark White Portion in the very near future.  Maybe I better throw a couple of cans into That Snus Guy’s closet so we can give you our opinions at the same time. And SnusCENTRAL Members: don’t forget to add your thoughts in the Member Review Section under Skruf.

This is a ground-breaking move for Skruf, I applaud them, and am salivating already.  Please, Lord: don’t let this be another General Sterk experience (not to be confused with the Ekstra Sterk experience which was blissful). I don’t think I can handle another let-down that big, especially from Skruf.  I have a REALLY good feeling about their Stark White Portion. If only the post office wasn’t closed on Monday for the holiday……..

With great anticipation, I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Larry Waters
Activist Snus Guru

 Snus Central member

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