S1147: The PACT Act. A Date Which will Live in Infamy
As the sun rose steadily across the United States yesterday, it seemed a day like any other day. Children dropped off at school, parent(s) off to work or to the unemployment office. Only slowly did the terrible events of the night before spread through the tobacco community.
At 11:32pm GMT-6, Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States Larry Waters finally emerged from the War Room in the SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker and entered the Press Briefing Room. Pandemonium erupted as cameras flashed, video camera lights turned an and reporters began yelling questions. Waters stood at the podium stone-faced and unmoving. Slowly the noise level dropped until it was quite enough to hear an IceTool drop.
The following is Mr. Waters address to the American tobacco-using public:
To the Nicotine Addicted in the United States:
Yesterday, March 11, 2010 – a date which will live in infamy – tobacco users in the United States of America were suddenly and deliberately attacked by the United States Senate and the forces of the Anti-All-Tobacco Nazi’s.
Tobacco users in the United States were not real happy with but at peace with the Congress, at the solicitation of FDA, were still in conversation with the Government and its Tobacco Czar looking toward a rational, real-world policy which respected both the rights of tobacco and non-tobacco users. A policy based on real scientific facts and recognition that tobacco users; especially Real Swedish Snus users, were enjoying a solution which was completely non-offensive to non-tobacco users and posed no risk to “the children”.
Indeed, just hours after being back-stabbed by the United States Senate who had passed s1147; The PACT Act, under cover of darkness in Washington, the Anti-All-Tobacco Nazi fringe groups and their corrupt colleagues delivered to the Nation (and Indian Nations) a series of press releases and interviews.
It quickly became apparent that it seemed useless to continue the existing dialog and negotiations, since prior to this date, passage of the The PACT Act during this 111th Congress seemed unlikely. No threat or hint of passage or a BATF armed attack against tobacco industry and their legal customers through s1147 was ever imagined.
It will be recorded that the speed and manner in which s1147 was passed makes it obvious that passage of the PACT Act was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the US Senate, US Congress, the cigarette smoking, nicotine gum chewing President of the United States has deliberately sought to deceive the tobacco users in the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for a fair and rational resolution for all.
The attack yesterday on the civil rights of over-taxed and vilified American tobacco users, the Seneca and other Indian Nations, small to medium sized tobacco companies and especially Swedish Snus users will caused severe damage to the American economy at the worst possible time. Very many American jobs will be lost. In addition, crime will exponentially increase as a Black Market the likes of which this nation has never seen before explodes across America.
The US Government, at huge expense, has not been able to even make a significant dent in the amount of illegal drugs of all kinds crossing our border with Mexico. How do they propose and where will they get the hundreds of billion of dollars for BATF and law enforcement agencies across America to shut down tobacco trafficking across our hugely larger northern border with Canada? Whatever tobacco tax money is left over after “the children” are protected will be insufficient.
Prohibition of alcohol spawned 20th century organized crime. Drug cartels of the 21st century engage in mass killings of police, government officials, innocent Mexican citizens and have spread to the United States. What will the new all tobacco (except cigars) black market hold in store?
Yesterday, Altia/PMUSA announced that sale of Marlboro Snus had gone national.
Yesterday, the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) updated their s1147 information page encouraging all members to take action to ensure passage of The PACT Act. Our brick and mortar equivalents are attacking us as well. To paraphrase, …then they came for the internet tobacco users and I did not speak out. Then they banned all tobacco flavors and products…and no one was left to speak for me.
Two days ago, RJR Tobacco took up residence at SnusCENTRAL in the form of a year long focus group on Camel SNUS.
Less than a month ago , Star Scientific Inc. announced they would be the first company to apply a for MRT/Reduced Harm designation for the Ariva and Stonewall so-called spitless dissolvable tobacco products. Henceforth, Ariva, Stonewall, and similar products will be know as Frankenstein Tobacco-like Products (FTP) and/or Disgusting Tobacco-like Products (DTP).
Currently, following New York City’s lead (and despite a Federal lawsuit) The State Legislatures in New York and Utah are considering legislation which will ban all flavorings from all tobacco products…except menthol.
Currently, FDA is in the process of drafting a proposed revision to a 1996 FDA rule that attempted to regulate tobacco advertising, tobacco displays and tobacco sampling. This 1996 rule was struck down by a federal court, but incorporated into the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (“The Tobacco Act”) which grants FDA authority to regulate the tobacco industry.
The United States Senate has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the nation. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The tobacco users of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the economic life and founding principles of our nation.
As Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe I interpret the will of legal American tobacco users when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our Swedish snus, and our interests are in grave danger.
With no confidence in our Federal and State Governments or Big American Tobacco who – with insatiable greed, and complete disregard for our health, safety, and individual rights – we Swedish snus users and true MRT product users must somehow gain what now seems to be a very distant triumph – God help us.
I ask that all American tobacco users declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by the United States Senate on Thursday, March 11th, a state of war has existed between the American people and the “money uber alles” Anti-All-Tobacco Nazi Empire.
Negotiating for asylum in Sweden,
At an Undisclosed Location
Reporting for SnusCENTRAL.org
Inspired by FDR’s Address to the Nation on Dec. 8th, 1941
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