RJ Reynolds on NYC Outdoor Smoking Ban: There’s no Ban on Camel Snus!
Effective today, New York City cigarette smokers are banned from smoking at parks and beaches. In a move unthinkable only a year ago, Reynolds American is responding to the NYC outdoor smoking ban by urging smokers to switch to Camel Snus. Really; I’m not making this up. Check today’s newspapers, New Yorkers.
Reynolds is running these two ads this week in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other major newspapers in and out of NYC as the city’s new ordinance banning outdoor smoking at parks and beaches begins.
Since December 2010, these will be the sixth and seventh ads in which Reynolds is urging smokers to switch to Camel Snus. These are the most aggressive ads yet of the Reynolds ‘Break Free’ campaign offering cigarette smokers an alternative smokeless product to lighting up. The theme of both ads is “Smokers, Switch to Smoke-Free Camel SNUS and reclaim the world’s greatest city“.
You may remember New York City Mayor Bloomberg. He’s the guy that ordered undercover NYC law enforcement teams to Arizona Gun Shows to troll for illegal firearms transactions….yes, as in Arizona, The State of.
Considering the fine men and women of the NYPD have no legal authority in Arizona, Mayor Bloomberg‘s questionable judgement wasted more NYC tax payers money while justifiably angering Arizona State Officials. Even the Federal Government shook its head in amazement.
“Reclaim the world’s greatest city“: how will Bloomberg react to what he will no doubt see as a personal attack by Reynolds on his fascist style of
leadership? The ad to the left telling NYC smokers to Rise Above the Ban will certainly be taken by Bloomberg as a snide reference to his short physical stature. He is very sensitive about his lack of height, I’m told.
I would not rule out an invasion of Winston-Salem by New York City SWAT Teams or a helicopter assault of Reynolds’ Tobaccoville factory. In fact, I would advise any Reynolds executives in NYC today to quickly leave before they are taken hostage or hung in Central Park on orders of the Little General himself.
Speaking of General, while I much admire and strongly support RJ Reynolds‘ efforts to steer cigarette smokers towards more discreet and less harmful sources of nicotine, I am not and have never been a fan of so-called American snus; be it Camel, Marlboro or any other. In taste, quality and especially bio-available nicotine, Swedish snus is the finest snus on the planet and has been for hundreds of years.
General Snus by Swedish Match is the largest selling brand of snus in the world today. According to the General Snus US store locator, there are 24 authorized General Snus retailers in the NYC area: two of them safely in New Jersey by the border. There probably are more but the retailers were afraid to have their stores listed fearing Bloomberg’s wrath so check around discreetly for more General Snus dealers.
If you haven’t already, give snus a try, New York City smokers. General Snus was the first real snus I tried and I recommend it to you. Its not that you have much to lose: Mayor Bloomberg has taken away almost all your rights and money already. Stay out of jail and switch to snus while you still can. I haven’t had a cigarette in 4 years and most importantly, don’t miss them a bit….and I was a Camel smoker for 37 years.
Greetings from the front line of the War on Tobacco,
Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States
Reporting for SnusCENTRAL.org
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