New Snus:  Swedish Match Announces Three Upcoming Snus Releases!

New Snus: Swedish Match Announces Three Upcoming Snus Releases!

Swedish Match AB, the world’s largest Swedish snus manufacturer, has announced the upcoming release of three new snus editions:

  • GR’ Hjortron Summer 2014 Edition
  • Grov Voltage Edition 2014
  • Ettan Retro Edition

Details are limited at this time as our SnusCIA agent was caught in the middle of transmitting this news but here is what we know so far….

 GR’ Hjortron Summer Edition 2014

GR' Summer Edition Hjortron Snus 2014Swedish Match introduced the concept of a Göteborgs Rapé Summer Edition snus in 2013 with GR’ Havtorn.  I had no idea what to expect as Havtorn translated into English as something like Buckthorn with a “Taste of the Sea” theme. 

Never having tasted a Buckthorn berry in sea water, I was very pleasantly surprised by the result.  Apparently I wasn’t the only one; GR’ Havtorn White Portion Snus was a huge success, selling over 200,000 cans in just the few months it was available last year.

For 2014, Swedish Match is offering yet another unknown berry to the non-Scandinavian public:  the Hjortron or Cloudberry.  They describe GR’ Hjortron Summer Edition 2014 as the natural sequel (Cloudberries) to last year’s GR’ Havtorn (Buckthorn)….stay with me on this…as Cloudberries marries well with the unique and distinctive original taste the Göteborgs Rapé  brand is known for.

Like 2013, this is a fresh snus, inspired by summer and the sea.  Hmm.  Must be a Swedish thing but I’m looking very much forward receiving my Swedish Snus Ambassador pre-release samples to taste for myself.

GR’ Hjortron Summer Edition 2014 White Portion Snus will be available at the Snus Shop beginning Week 23  which is the first week of June for most people.  (give or take; SMD has been a little off on their delivery dates lately)

 Ettan Retro and Grov Voltage 2014 Edition

Grov Voltage Ltd Edition Snus 2014Both of these snuses will be of strong interest mostly to snus can collectors.

Ettan Retro Edition is a repeat of last year’s very popular premier.  It is Ettan loose snus packaged in 1970’s style Ettan snus cans including the metal lid.  They are very attractive, a conversation starter, and will make you the envy of your 21st century loose snus can friends.

I do have a word of warning for those of you who vacuum pack and freeze their extra snus prior to expiration.  I had a few cans of Ettan Retro 2013 and a Kardus of Göteborgs Rapé I wanted to save for the future.

I sealed them in my (then) brand-new professional vacuum sealer and froze them.  A few months later I was conducting an inventory of my snus chiller and freezer stock. 

I discovered to my horror that the Kardus had been compressed into an odd-shaped lump while the Ettan Retro cans had been compressed to the point where the bottoms of the cans were completely stained brown in snus juice!

The lesson is that when using an electric vacuum sealer on paper wrapped or cardboard cans of snus, go easy on the throttle.

Ettan Retro Edition 2014 will be available Week 18.  That’s this week; Friday if I were to guess.  If not, then next week.  Sometimes Swedish and American week numbers don’t coincide; at least in Microsoft Outlook.

This will be the first year in which Swedish Match will be issuing a Grov Voltage Limited Edition Snus can.  The snus inside is Grov Portion.  One would think with a name like Voltage, it would contain Grov Strong portion snus.  It apparently doesn’t.  It is an excellent looking can none the less.

Grov Voltage Limited Edition 2014 will be available at the Snus Store Week 22; the last week in May (depending again on Swedish Match Distribution).

Enjoy your REAL Swedish Snus!

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