More alcoholic beverage flavored Swedish Snus on the way

More alcoholic beverage flavored Swedish Snus on the way

Snus flavored with spirits is a tradition going back hundreds of years to the beginnings of snus itself.  Farmers in Sweden who made the first snuses for their own use often went beyond the basic tobacco, water, and salt recipe.  It comes as no surprise that wine and spirits were among the different ingredients added to home-made snus.

Mass-marketed Swedish snus flavored with alcoholic beverages have come a long way since Probe Whiskey Portion Snus was launched in 1994.  While Probe has been delisted this year, 2016 will bring forth new snuses flavored with whisky, rum, and bourbon….

The Whisky Snus Revolution Continues

General Mackmyra Whisky SnusThe most talked about and reviewed new whisky snus never tasted by the international snus market is General Mackmyra Whisky Snus.  General Mackmyra will be in wide release to the public during the week of 7 April.  Until now, it has only been available at three (currently two) Swedish Match Snus Stores in Sweden.

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency (SnusCIA) has managed to supply me with General Mackmyra Whisky Portion Snus since product testing in December of 2015.  I have a portion in my mouth for inspiration as I write this.

For lös snus fans, General Mackmyra Whisky Loose Snus is also available.

Now available at fine snus eStores like the Snus Shop, this is one of the rare snuses I recommend buying a roll of on your first order instead of just a test can.  It will not go to waste.

If you are reading this before 11 Apr 2016, is having a General Mackmyra Release Party.  Get 5 cans FREE with the purchase of a roll!

In 2013, GN Tobacco (GNT) released Islay Whisky Portion Snus by Conny Andersson.  It was an instant hit with whisky-loving snusers around the world.

Islay Whisky Snus by GN TobaccoGNT has had production issues with the redesigned metal cans Islay Whiskey Snus is packaged in.  According to highly placed sources at GNT, these issues have finally been resolved.

In April, expect to see Islay Whisky portion back in stock as well as the introduction of Islay Whisky White Portion and loose snus.

For those who love high nicotine snus, GNT will also be releasing Oden’s Extreme Whisky Snus during Q2.  That promises to be an interesting snus experience.

Andersson moved on from GNT to AG Snus which released the outstanding Crafted Snus Whisky Snus in portion and white portion.  Earlier this year, Mellgren’s IPA portion and loose snus (batch 2), also designed by Andersson, brought us the first IPA beer flavored snus 

In April, AG Snus will be releasing a loose snus version of Crafted Snus Whisky; Crafted Kardus Highland Single Cut.  Since it comes in a metal can like the other Crafted Snus products, I have no idea where the “Kardus” name came from.  There are plans for more snuses designed by Conny Andersson in 2016 but probably not until later in the year.

Bourbon and Rum Snus

During Q2 GNT will also be releasing La Morenita Snus which is flavored with Zacapa rum.  La Moreita will be available in portion, white portion, and lös.

I’ve been waiting seven years for another rum-based snus since the limited edition Swedish Match Kardus Superior Edition 2009 became my favorite snus of all time.  Ironically, it was Conny Andersson who designed the Kardus Superior Edition snuses during his time at SM. 

Q2 should also see bourbon flavored snus from GNT; Borbon Black and Borbon White Portion snus.

Raise your glass and snus can!

This is going to be a great year for quality alcohol-centric Swedish snus.  In addition to the above, Gotlandssnus should be releasing their annual Julesnus flavored with glögg (mulled wine) in Q4.  I’ll be back with more information on these and other premium alcohol flavored snuses as the SnusCIA uncovers the details.

Until we snus again,The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency: Watching over your snus

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Telling you stuff we know and others don’t




Previous Snus to Go: Swedish Match to Delist Four Snuses
Next Swedish Match on Snus and Regulations

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