Islay Whisky Snus Seminar
Exclusive Islay Whisky Snus News, Conny Andersson, and more
This fascinating video covers everything you could and should know about the amazing Islay Whisky Snus by Conny Andersson.
It covers how Islay Whisky Snus is made and two new versions being released this year. The issue of fire-cured tobacco and TSNA’s is addressed clearly with no holds barred.
Conny also reveals a brand new snus he will be releasing later this year: La Morenita Zacapa Rum Snus! Equally exciting, we leak the first news of two other new by Conny Andersson snuses under development.
Most importantly, this video contains a profile of the man behind the snus: tobacco artist Conny Andersson. He is the top designer of premium Swedish snus in the world today. His past credits include Swedish Match’s annual 600 box releases of Kardus Superior Edition loose snus.
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