Islay Whisky Portion Snus by Conny Andersson; the return of Super Premium Snus



The idea of doing that own snus around my own thoughts about snus and tobacco had been there a long time. A crucial phase was when I was in the employment interview internally on Match for a job as raw tobacco purchasers. The first thing that happened when they were interviewing me was that they said they knew I had a real passion for tobacco. And the head of the department put a bag of stem on the table. – This is what we work with. And as I see it, follow all producers big brother. Which I think is a bit disappointing. They buy the same tobacco, all pasteurizing tobacco and are very close to each other in the flavor profile . And now that the snus market in Sweden is more or less a discount market and they fight for market share in the catogory . Gives a result that you have to cut costs and sometimes unfortunately affects quality. Obviously , we need low cost snus , snus has become relatively expensive Unfortunately, because among other tax policies. And when the price of a can of full-price snus is the same as a pack of cigarettes , there had been a big risk that we have lost the consumers otherwise . It is on the Swedish Match as I have learned everything I can about snus. There are people in the company who are extremely knowledgeable. And I have them to thank for much. A long time, they have just doing low-price and Fresh snus and I felt sorry for those in product development that they were not doing really snus. Now, they will lounched two really good new General at the beginning of next year and I am delighted. Swedish market is more conservative when it comes to tastes in comparison to new markets such as Norway and Russia and therefore also we needed Wintergreen in the snus heaven. Enough of this. Gevorg have given me the opportunity to realize my ideas. And have free rein when it comes to my own projects. And GN is the only company that has the ability to sweat tobacco in the fire room, the process that I view as extremely important if you really want to do something unique in our world of mass-market. The new factory will be completed in late January will have both opportunities. pasteurization and heating chamber. So I will continue to sweat my tobacco. – 99.? % Lamina. Lamina tastes more – Heating chamber provide a cleaner and rounder flavor of tobacco. And it was so snus produced in Sweden until 1981, and talk with the old ones that were with the thought also to snus tasted better then when it was done at their pace and not hustling weed in pasteurization. (8 days) – The storage of tobacco in whiskey casks is a process I have brought with me from the premium cigar industry. It gives another dimension. (3 month) – Fermented cigar tobacco – have much flavor. The chemistry is not ultimate for snus. So I only have 12% of cigar tobacco from Jalapa, Esteli and Ometepe in Nicaragua. The other tobacco in the recipe is from South Africa (Horse Spark), Amish tobacco from Lancaster PA which I love. A new tobacco which has nice chocolate tones from Ghana who comes from a good friend of my father. And two other that I keep to myself. I flavor with 12 year old Bowmore, are those who have helped me with whiskey casks. It also needed to be added flavoring to get it as good as possible. It will be launched in the original portion, I know some hard core snus users will be disappointed. But with the new plant, I will have more capacity for my project and it will also in a loose variation of spring. For me loose is like eating an orange. Giant good but a pain to peel off so I decline The box is metal with a soft touch surface disposal on the inside of the lid. Consumer price will be about 1 euro more expensive than General, so between 5-7 euros. Snus is right now in the cold room and packed in cans end of the week. So unfortunately I can not give you the Christmas gift I wanted, but it will be a good start to 2014. Gevorg asked me when you come to visit. It would be great if you could come when the new plant is completed. Once again thanks for your great support

Previous Swedish Match Loses Trademark Lawsuit against V2 Tobacco
Next General Snus Variation Series; the fork in the General Snus Road

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