FDA Tobacco Regulation is Back Already

FDA Tobacco Regulation is Back Already

American Tobacco BanThe United States Economy is crumbling.  Unemployment is now projected to reach 8% in 2009: Translation; it will be a lot higher than 8%.  Millions of Americans are out of work, losing their medical benefits, their homes, and those still with jobs live in constant well-founded fear that their jobs will be the next ones to be eliminated.  America is not in Recession:  We are already suffering the Second Great Depression.  The stakes?  America itself and the World economy by extension.

None of that is important enough to capture the attention of myopic Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA).  In the midst of America’s worst economic crisis in 90 years, Waxman is laser-focused on his own personal agenda.  He has already resurrected his 2008 attempt to   place all tobacco products under FDA Control.

His new ally in the Senate is Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts.  Poor Senator Kennedy is suffering from a brain tumor, collapsed during President Senator Ted KennedyObama’s inaugural lunch, and has spent more time in hospitals or at home resting than in the Senate Chamber this year.

I’ve never been a fan of Senator Kennedy’s ideology but on the human level, his situation makes me both incredibly sad and incredibly angry.  Sad, because the poor man is obviously suffering from his ailment.  The Kennedy family is releasing as few details as possible, but it’s obvious the aging Lion of the Senate is not doing well.  He has served the people of Massachusetts to their satisfaction for 43 years now.  Why can’t his constituents and colleagues say “Well done!” and let the poor man escape from the stresses of Washington by retiring? 

Why does the Democrat leadership think nothing of pulling him out of a sick bed to cast his votes for bills they consider “critical” almost on a whim?    Why must his suffering and lapses be on public display, over-shadowing for a new generation the Ted Kennedy of old who I never agreed with politically on anything, but his constituents and others hailed as a hero?  Why can’t they let the poor old man go home, rest, and be with his family in what are probably his final years?  Why can’t they let him end his political career with dignity?  He’s 77 years old, in ill health generally and has a brain tumor!

Just this week, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown formally announced the Queen had awarded an Honorary Knighthood to Senator Kennedy during Brown’s address to a Joint Session of Congress.  Senator Kennedy was physically unable to attend Congress for the speech.

Representative Waxman certainly doesn’t care about Ted Kennedy.  He’s using him to advance his own political agenda against the Tobacco Industry and American Tobacco Users.  Waxman isn’t just myopic and completely unbalanced in his priorities:  he’s dragging Ted Kennedy’s hospital gurney down with him.

Henry Waxman - Anti-Tobacco and Nothing Else MattersI warned you Waxman and his bill would be back.  This March 2nd report from the Associated Press  was intercepted by the SnusCENTRAL Electronic Surveillance Team.  While the report only talks about cigarettes, the November 8th version of the story also discusses snus and smokeless tobacco…and tobacco imports.

I’ve been waiting for these bills to re-appear.  Rep. Weiner (D-NY) is not far behind in resurrecting the 2008 PACT Act.  These bills and others; supposedly in the name of saving Americans from the “catastrophic consequences” of Second Hand Smoke, could not be brought back from the waste bin of the 2008 Congressional Session at a more inappropriate or insensitive time.  How many additional jobs will be lost by Americans whose livelyhood is in some way dependent on tobacco?  Why are you working to destroy more hard-working, middle class American’s very existence, gentlemen?

Americans….Middle Class Americans, supposedly the darlings of the Democrat party, have a lot more to worry about than tobacco issues right now.  They have to worry about how they are going to feed their families and yes, especially “the children”.  That’s why Waxman and is ilk claim to be hell bent on jamming this legislation through; for “the children”.

Well, Congressman, “the children” also have a lot more to worry about than tobacco right now.  Why don’t you focus your energy on convincing your collegues in Mr. UNZ - Champion of Swedish Snus : The Savior of American Smokersthe House to withdraw the 9000 earmarks they’ve attached to the Economic Stimulus Package in a deliberate slap in the face to President Obama, who must now break yet another promise; the one to eliminate earmarks? 

Why don’t you convince your out-of-touch fellow Members of Congress to either save the money so “the children” and their children won’t be saddled with repaying all that money for the rest of their lives…if THEY are able to get a job when the time comes? 

Failing that, at least use the money to help their newly poor parents in keeping a roof over their heads, food in their stomach, and provide medical benefits not just for “the children”, but for their parents as well…and dare I say it, adults WITHOUT children who have lost their medical benefits and are going without medical care and treatment themselves for lack of money?  Or are you OK with adults dying from untreated diabetes, infections, and other diseases while “the children” end up orphans of the State?

Congressman Waxman, California is falling off an economic cliff right now.  Do you really think wasting time on tobacco legislation in the midst of this crisis is appropriate?  Can’t you wait until the Depression is over?  Are YOU serving the best interests and needs of YOUR constituents right now?  And if you have a shred of decency left in you, for God’s sake, leave poor Ted Kennedy out of your obsessions.

It’s 2009, we’re in a Depression, but the Tobacco War is on again!  Well, Congressman Waxman, Congressman Weiner, and others:  To quote President Obama, “bring it on”.  And to paraphrase Charlton Heston, you’ll get my Swedish Snus when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

From the SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker:The SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker - location classified

Larry Waters
Activist Snus Guru
Shining the Light of Truth from SnusCENTRAL.org

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