R.R. Hubbard
R.R. “Feck” Hubbard is no stranger to tobacco. Hailing from a long line of tobacco farmers and distributors (his Great-Great-Great Grandfather owned the first independent tobacco warehouse in North Carolina), his is a life steeped deep in southern tobacco culture, which makes his love of snus that much more appreciative. Says Feck, “I’ve seen the good and the bad that comes along with tobacco addiction, and snus is the absolute safest choice that the adult connoisseur can make. I urge anyone that smokes, chews, or dips to look into the facts behind snus and make an informed decision, and there’s no better place to uncover the truth than right here at SnusCentral.”
While living in Austin Texas, Feck was one of the first people in the country to try Camel SNUS. The experience left him with mixed feelings. “I liked not smoking, but the candy flavor and lack of nicotine in Camel SNUS kept me faithful to my smokes.” Thankfully, Feck’s half-Swedish cousin showed up on his doorstep one day bearing complimentary cans of General snus, and the rest is history.
“Had he never shown me what REAL snus was, I would probably still be smoking. Right now is a golden time in this country to be a snuser. There’s a wealth of information on the web at this time that just simply wasn’t there three or four years ago, and it’s thanks to the efforts of folks like Larry Waters that new snusers have a place to turn to for guidance. The community here is top notch, like one big family. When Larry approached me to do this column, there was no way I could say no.”
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