Click Swedish Snus Discontinued – Click Quick While You Can

Click Swedish Snus Discontinued – Click Quick While You Can

Click Snus by Swedish Match is being discontinued, according to SnusCIA Agents embedded in the SnusCentral Delegation to Stockholm.  I wrote about the reintroduction of Click snus back in December 2010 in article ironically called Click Swedish Snus is Back!

The delisting of Click White Portion Snus is particularly disappointing to me as it has become a regular in my current snus rotation.  I’m also sorry I used an ! in the title of the original article.  Despite the cancellation of Click Snus being leaked early by (I’m told) a drunken British blogger of some repute, I’ve held off talking about it for selfish reasons.  Now that my final order of Click Snus is safely on its way to me, the official veil of snus secrecy is lifted.

Click Snus – Behind the Scenes at Swedish Match

Click White Portion Snus; Great Snus; Ugly Can GraphicsSwedish Match created Click White Portion Snus for an unusual reason. They did not make up the Click Snus brand name on a whim; they’ve actually owned it for years.   The reason for the 2010 reintroduction of Click snus had to do with maintaining brand name ownership.

Under international trademark law, in order for Swedish Match to keep a firm ownership of the brand name, Click has to be on the market as an active SKU for at least 6 months every 5 years.  The original plan was a good one:  distribute Click White Portion Snus through a select group of Internet snus stores.  Pilot Click in Swedish stores and if sales were healthy enough, open it up to all the Internet snus stores and increase over-the-counter sales in Sweden.

Snus users who tried Click Snus liked it.  Some like me loved it.  The problem were the can graphics.  They were red and black…except the red was more of an odd hot pinkish color.  If the color choices were required as part of the trademark protection, Swedish Match had no choice.  If they were not, then I believe an opportunity may have been missed.

American men didn’t like the color, period.  There were more forum posts spent talking about the can graphic colors then there were about the Click snus product itself.  I defended the can because I liked the snus so much, but even I didn’t consider the Click Snus can what I would rate as bar-worthy.  I confess that when using Click in public, I would keep the can in my pocket instead of proudly leaving it on the table, the desk, or the bar (hence the term ‘bar-worthy’).    Sad; I thought I was more secure in my masculinity than that.  Great, more fodder for my psychiatrist.

Since Swedish Match’s prime reason for re-releasing Click was for legal reasons, they did what they had to and accomplished that.  I doubt the marketing and design team had the same sense of urgency which accompanies all their other snus releases.

I don’t think the guys in the lab received that memo and developed a really great snus anyway.  It wasn’t Tre Ankare in a hot pink can; it had its own character and Click will be missed, at least by me.

For as long as our Snus eStore has Click White Portion left in stock, you can Click Here for Click Snus (pretty clever, that).  In a now-suspicious coincidence, Click White Portion is one of our May 2011 Monthly Snus Specials:  Buy a roll of 10 cans; only Pay for 8 cans.

Meanwhile, all the Click Snus fans on Team already have their orders safely in with Moe Unz at our favorite snus store.  If you want to buy a can of Click Snus for your snus can collection or a roll or two for the freezer, act fast.  Click today, Gone tomorrow.

Regretfully yours,Seal of the Swedish Snus Ambassador to the US


Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States
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