PACT Act Vote Next Week: Bans internet Tobacco Sales!

PACT Act Vote Next Week: Bans internet Tobacco Sales!

Internet Tobacco Purchase Ban Moves Forward…with help from your local convenience store!

The PACT Act, legislation to ban the sale of ALL tobacco products over the Internet, has been quietly moving forward.  Back on September 21, 2008, published an incredibly incisive and brilliantly written detailed article entitled  Cigarettes, Snus; ALL Tobacco (except Cigars): Internet Purchases to be BANNED in the USA???? The bill didn’t make it through the the 110th Congress before the Session ended.  It was quickly re-introduced during the current 111th Congressional Session to some but little fanfare.


The Kennedy/Waxaman legislative farce giving FDA control over the tobacco industry received a lot of headlines, talk, energy.  When President Obama finally signed this Philip Morris USA sponsored and partially written embarrassment, most of us went back to discussing our favorite Swedish Snuses and especially this time of year, all the new snus products being released by Sweden and Denmark.

Some even said that with US unemployment at a 26 year high, the economy in shambles the likes of which not seen since (optimistically) the post-World War II recession or (realistically) the Great Depression, PACT would not even be one the legislative agenda this year.  But like a snake moving through high grass, PACT has continued to move forward and is rapidly approaching the point where the grass ends and it bites us with it’s poisonous venom.  On November 5th 2009, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote to move PACT to the Senate floor for “debate”.

The latest interest group to throw it’s public support behind PACT is the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS).  In an October 30, 2009 article-link entitled:

PACT Act Would Crackdown On Illegal Tobacco Sales
The legislation appears to have broad support as it aims to clear up gaps in the current federal law.

Of course the legislation has broad support….from brick and mortar tobacco and convenience stores who are rapidly losing business to Internet-based tobacco stores.  Broad support from Big Government Tax hungry Politicians who go as far as classifying Internet Tobacco Product Buyers as Terrorists in the same league with Hezbollah and Al Qadea….REALLY; it is in the legislation!

The holiday season may be upon us but American tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and Swedish Snus users can not afford to be complacent.   The PACT Act will restrict our availability to our favorite products, significantly increase taxes and prices on imported tobacco….like Swedish and Scandinavian Snus. Ironically, it will also dramatically increase crime and smuggling by creating a huge black market …..for legal products. through provides continuous real-time coverage of the PACT Act.  Wake up, Snus users (and other tobacco users except for cigar smokers who are exempt from PACT).  We don’t want 2009 to be the last Christmas we can order enjoy REAL imported Snus at affordable prices with an enormous selection to chose from.  If the dollar was worth more than toilet paper around the world, the prices would even be lower as in the past.  Go to, our Internet Snus Store….while you still can.

Under PACT, Homeland Security would consider me,NewCustomer-160x345

Evil Snus Lord
Reporting For the Snus Cartel

PACT Act Vote Next Week: Bans internet Tobacco Sales!





SnusCENTRAL Cartel Founding Member


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