CONTINUOUS UPDATES:  The PACT ACT banning ALL Internet Smokeless Tobacco Sales

CONTINUOUS UPDATES: The PACT ACT banning ALL Internet Smokeless Tobacco Sales

The following give the latest status on the current Congressional efforts to prohibit ALL Internet, Telephone, or Mail-Order delivery of Cigarettes and all Smokeless Tobacco Products including Snus to consumers within the United States of America.  Cigars are of course, exempt.

CONTINUOUS UPDATES:  The PACT ACT banning ALL Internet Smokeless Tobacco Sales


H.R. 1676 is the House’s version of the PACT Act; A bill to prevent tobacco smuggling, to ensure the collection of all tobacco taxes, and for other purposes.

May 21, 2009: This bill PASSED in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The vote was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass the bill, needing a two-thirds majority. This usually occurs for non-controversial legislation.

The totals were 397 Ayes, 11 Nays, 25 Present/Not Voting. (House of Representatives roll no. 287)  The PACT Act has now moved on to the US Senate.

S. 1147 is the Senate’s version of the PACT Act; A bill to prevent tobacco smuggling, to ensure the collection of all tobacco taxes, and for other purposes. It was introduced by Senator Herbert Kohl (D) of Wisconsin. His first co-sponsor was Senator Patrick Leahy (D)of Vermont.

On March 11 2010, the Senate in the dead of night Passed the PACT Act by Unanimous Consent.  Days later, the House quickly Passed PACT overwhelmingly again.  As of March 21, 2010, The PACT Act sits on President Obama’s desk awaiting signature.


On March 31st, 2010, with very little fanfare or notice by the Press, President Obama signed the PACT Act into law.  Implementation by BATF will begin in 90 Days.



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