Forum Rules
- Only one account per person is permitted.
- This forum is about people, domain names in forum/login names are not allowed.
- Keep all posts on-topic.
- Do not pretend to be/represent somebody else. Your account will be deleted if found to be in breach of this rule.
- Do not discuss illegal activities.
- Post your comment/question to the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved. Do not cross-post the same question to multiple places.
- Do not use all caps and do not add false information just to get attention (e.g. ;read this or you will be arrested;). An example of a bad subject would be “HELP ME”. A good subject might be, “How do I find the best Swedish Snus Portions”. Do not use a URL as a thread title.
- No Flamewars, Trolling or Spamming.
- Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive. Any post containing an inappropriate link will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning.
- Do not propose/link to any site that contains warez/copyrighted software/materials that can be downloaded illegally.
- Must be setup in your Profile and not manually added to your messages.
- May NOT contain any images.
- May not contain any pricing, sales, product etc. details.
- May include two clickable links. URL´s or mailto: – No duplicate links
- Maximum font size cannot be larger than normal.
- Must be kept to a maximum of four lines (at 1024 resolution).
- May not contain links to other threads or posts for the purpose of self promotion
- Any signature or avatar that is offensive or insulting to either us, our members, or our staff is prohibited.
- We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove your signature or avatar at any time for any reason.
At all times:
- Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous at all times. Constructive criticism is welcome, but insults directed towards other users or the site admins will not be tolerated. Coarse/insulting language will not be tolerated.
- No commercial advertising is permitted.
- Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. NO SPAM – NO ADVERTISING eg. Posting and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self promotion.
- If you feel a post violates any of these rules, or you need to bring it to the attention of a moderator (move threads/close/split), please use the “report to modertor” link to notify the moderators.
Failure to abide by these rules may result in an editing, negative moderation or deletion of your post. We reserve the right to ban abusers from the site. We reserve the right to change these rules at any time.