vj reply
Hi VJ!
Welcome to SnusCENTRAL.org! Thanks for dropping by and commenting!
I see you have some points you don’t feel you made in your article which you would like to share with us. As your host, let me address them as you wrote them.
Let me be perfectly clear–I DO NOT advocate the use of ANY tobacco product. VERY clear. Also clear in your bio. Not as clear in your article, but I did applaud your seeming unbiased reporting. The studies done in Sweden have been challenged by Health Officals and maybe inaccurate. Hmmm. Must fault you on your research here I’m afraid. I’m a BIG believer in The Truth, regardless of where the chips may fall. WHICH Studies done in Sweden have been challenged by SPECIFICALLY WHICH “Health Officials and MAYBE inaccurate? The tobacco companies of the U.S. are not to be trusted when marketing their products, since there is no regulation of tobacco products in the U.S. Absolutely CORRECT! Unfortunately, you were just talking about SWEDISH SNUS and ran that into BIG AMERICAN TOBACCO. Lets stick with SWEDISH SNUS for now, if you don’t mind.
We simply do not know exactly to what extent the use of snus will affect the user’s health in the long run. Swedish Snus has been around for well over 200 years. Swedish Snus has been regulated by the Swedish Government as a FOOD PRODUCT since 1970…almost 30 years ago. We DO know exactly to what extent (extraneous genetic anomalies aside) Swedish Snus will affect the user’s health in the long run….That’s why the Swedish version of our FDA and the Swedish Government REMOVED the cancer warning from Swedish Snus. Any use of tobacco can be harmful since it contains carcinogins. HOT DOGS contain TSNA’s. Grill meat in general contain TSNA’s. Do you advocate the Ban of Summer Barbecuing Too? I didn’t notice www.StopGrillingStayVegan on your bio (sorry, cheap shot. Going for a little comic relief. Are you laughing?) The level of nicotine is similar to cigarettes and can affect the cardiovascular system. TRUE. And I believe both you and I stated that. To say that Swedish snus is less harmful than cigarettes is just another way of saying that it is less lethal–point is that is still may be lethal. Depends how you define lethal, especially to nicotine-addicted cigarette smokers (Of which I was and you obviously never was, hence your lack of understanding) Same gun, smaller bullet. For a nicotine-addicted cigarette smoker who can’t or chooses not to cease using tobacco, SWEDISH Snus is a solution with 98% LESS risk than cigarettes. The other 2% is nicotine. You see the tobacco glass 2% full. Me, when I went from 30+ years at 2 packs a day of cigarettes to NO cigarettes; just SWEDISH Snus, I saw the glass as 98% EMPTY. For free quitting tips visit: www.StopSmokingStayQuit.blogspot.com. Good for you! I hope everyone who can and wants to stop using tobacco does. For those who can’t or simply don’t want to, Swedish Snus is a win for them, a win for non-smokers and an all around American way of dealing with a problem. Too bad Big American Tobacco chose another route of which I have written mountains about and I’m sure you oppose as much as I.
Glad I could clear that up for you. Don’t want another “lesions” issue (inside joke between VJ and myself). Thanks for visiting and don’t be a stranger. We have more in common than you care to admit..at least, factually.
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