About Us
SnusCENTRAL has morphed and grown since then adding websites, entering into affiliate relationships, and the rebuilding of the SnusCENTRAL.org parent website 4 times to handle the growth and increase user friendliness and ease of use.
The SnusCENTRAL Affiliate Family: SnusCENTRAL consists of different websites with different missions, yet all fly the SnusCENTRAL Flag. Our combined goal: to bring our Members and Guests the most comprehensive snus experience on the internet; to provide services, products, information, news, snus reviews, commentary, legislative updates affecting snus and other reduced harm tobacco/tobacco free products, social interaction, fun, and the hands-on ability for members to be involved in the SnusCENTRAL Experience!
We invite you to visit us at SnusCENTRAL.org, our YouTube Channel at SnusTV.com, SnusGEAR.com, SnusCENTRAL Facebook as well as SnusCentral on Instagram and twitter to see more.
SnusCENTRAL.org supports the lifting of the incomprehensible ban on Swedish Snus within the EU and standing up and advocating for more science and fact-based policy from FDA under the Tobacco Control Act and PACT Act in the United States.
Tens of millions of cigarette smokers will sicken and die both before their time and unnecessarily because of the above. This is nothing less than government sponsored genocide in the name of catering to political correctness, special interests, Big Tobacco and anti-snus extremists.
Seeing that REAL snus (aka Swedish/Scandinavian snus) is available to all (where legal) until snus is made legal everywhere was a very real priority when we founded SnusCENTRAL.
Not all oral tobacco is created equal. Swedish-made snus has been regulated as a food product by Sweden’s version of FDA since 1971. Since then, no cases of any sort of cancer, tooth and mouth disease directly attributable to Swedish Snus has been recorded.
Swedish Snus is today accepted as being 99% less harmful to a smoker than cigarettes. The risk factors of Swedish Snus can be compared to those of French roast coffee. Nicotine is considerably more addictive than caffeine being the largest difference.
In 2010, the SnusCentral.com Snus eShop was established with our permission by Make Webo AB in Lidköping, Sweden.
Despite these feelings, SnusCentral.com is compliant with all applicable US and EU regulations and restrictions. Bad law should be changed; not broken.
The mission of SnusCentral.com is to provide the best possible CUSTOMER SERVICE, PRICING and SELECTION of SNUS and other products to serve our Members and Guests in the USA and around the world (again, where legal).
The legendary SnusCentral.com Snus eShop is compliant with all applicable US and EU regulations as well as the tobacco laws and restrictions in all the countries on Earth. Bad law should be changed; not broken.
Changing those restrictive biased laws against snus and the new War against Nicotine is the mission of SnusCENTRAL.org. Selling you the absolute freshest snus possible shipped incredibly fast at great prices is the mission of our friends at SnusCentral.com.
Helping nicotine-addicted smokers switch to a much safer and enjoyable way to ingest the nicotine they need is the mission of all SnusCentral branded companies. It should be the goal of every government on Earth too….
SnusCENTRAL Columnists
Want to get the latest on Snus and related tobacco information from people in the know? We have some great columnists to share facts and opinions!
From the Snus and Tobacco Community: