Poor Selling Swedish Snus Dropped from Swedish eStores

Olde Viking Snus, Gotlandssnus among poor selling Swedish snus

For the apparently few Swedish snus lovers who buy these snus products via the Internet, some offerings from Gotlandssnus, Gustavus, Taboca, and the line of Olde Viking products made by GN Tobacco have/are being dropped by a number of Internet Snus Stores. The original Olde Viking products made at the other factory like Extra Stark Cinnamon will continue to be sold.

SnusCentral.com, BuySnus.com, SnusExpress.com, and an additional number of Swedish Snus eStores will be dropping the these and other products this week. With the proliferation of new snus brands, off-brands, and house brands, some profiteers have moved in for their share of Swedish snus consumers money. Other products no longer being stocked include some older names which have just lost their appeal to the new world-wide generation of Swedish snus users.


Swedish Snus Manufacturers, like any other product manufacturer, evaluate product sales of particular brands and de-list those which are not selling.  What is unique about this situation is that the manufacturers have not discontinued these products:  the retailers have in response to consumer lack of interest.

This week begins a culling out of those products which snus consumers just don’t like or support enough to justify shelf space. They have not necessarily been discontinued by their respective manufacturers; they just will no longer be carried among the participating Swedish Snus eStores once their on-hand stock runs out.

The following have been or will be removed from sale once existing stock is exhausted or expired:

  • Gotlandssnus Grey (Gråsnus) Portion Snus
  • Gotalndssnus Grey (Gråsnus) Lös Snus
  • Gotlandssnus Green (Flader) Portion Snus
  • Gustavus Lös Snus (non-USA available product)
  • Olde Viking Original Portion Snus
  • Olde Viking Ginger Lime Portion Snus
  • Olde Viking Spearmint Snus
  • Taboca Mini Portion Snus

As with any other product, consumers vote with their wallet. These snus products just didn’t get enough votes.  Not to worry; there are still over 150 Swedish/Scandinavian great snus offerings left with some interesting new ones on the way!

Enjoy the other great Swedish Snuses out there!

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Keeping you Informed about Snus

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